Industry 4.0


Introduction to industry 4.0 and its current status in the furniture sector. Listing of technologies in the sector. Autodiagnosis tools for digital transformation in the sector.

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R&D centre

CETEM is and R&D centre focused on delivering the best technologies and training to the furniture manufacturing industry.

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This course is part of Specialization Introduction to Industry 4.0

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1200 points

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- Knows the concept of Industry 4.0 and its Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) under its umbrella.
- Know the concept of smart factory
- Know the current state (2018-2019) of the furniture and wood sector regarding digital transformation
- Know the exitance of technologies that allow hybridisation between the physical and digital worlds in the furniture sector
- Know the exitance of technologies for communication and data treatment
- Know the exitance of tools for management of the business and collaborative platforms


- Knows the concept of Industry 4.0 and its Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) under its umbrella.
- Know the concept of smart factory
- Know the current state (2018-2019) of the furniture and wood sector regarding digital transformation
- Know the exitance of technologies that allow hybridisation between the physical and digital worlds in the furniture sector
- Know the exitance of technologies for communication and data treatment
- Know the exitance of tools for management of the business and collaborative platforms


- Move to next steps to go deeper in concepts of Industry 4.0 and its Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) under its umbrella for the furniture sector.
- Move to next steps for digital transformation in the furniture sector.

Course Content

  • 1# Introduction to I4.0
    • 1.1 What is industry 4.0?
  • 2# Industry 4.0 in the Furniture Sector
    • 2.1 Industry 4.0 in the furniture sector. Current state
    • 2.2 Implementing "Hybridization between Physics and the Digital world" technologies in the furniture sector. Current Stage
    • 2.3 Implementation of Telecom-data technologies and management systems-collaborative platform

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